Best practice for placement of WPSOLR cutomizations to avoid overwritting

  • pgilpat
    1 year, 1 month ago #35237

    I’ve got two issues please.
    1) Our developers completed a number of customizations on the search results display. However, the last time I updated the WP plugin, it overwrote the results page. I need to make an update, but before I do, I want the customizations placed properly. Is there a best practice on where to place these?
    2) we are having a problem about 6 times a day where the SOLR engine shuts down and when you initiate a search, it returns this error. We then have to restart the SOLR server to recover:
    Solr HTTP error: HTTP request failed

    1 year, 1 month ago #35238

    1) I suggest you use the theme’s search template archive instead of of a custom search page. You can customize it as much as you want, with no issues from WPSOLR’s updates.

    2) It looks like a Solr issue, perhaps RAM or disk. You can compare to a hosted Solr index from OpenSolr, and see if it goes better.

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