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WPSolr Pro

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Power search at any scale with


WordPress search plugin

Graph representing search speed : WordPress default search vs WPSolr Pro

Incredible speed and relevancy

WPSolr Pro plugin connects your WordPress to world-class search engines, always delivering fast and relevant results, even under heavy traffic.

WPSolr is compatible with many search engines. These search engines can provide keyword search, AI search, image search, personalized search and even RAG.

WPSolr Add price field to index

Search anything in your inventory

This ensures that no matter the website you have (e-commerce, blog, news, etc…), all your items can be searchable.

WPSolr can index any type of WordPress data : posts, pages, images, pdf files, custom post-types, products, orders, HPOS orders, attributes, taxonomies and countless more.

Help visitors with smart filters

Trust your users to tailor their own feed.

Our range of facets, including checkboxes, radio boxes, sliders, date pickers, and more, will allow your users to filter out items based on their specific criteria.

WPSolr WordPress facets example
Ajax search autocomplete template_2

Great autocomplete from the first letter

Make your search infinitely more responsive by displaying results as the user is currently typing.​

Based on the configuration, this intelligent feature can, in real-time, either autocomplete the query or suggest specific items. 

Sort results with anything

Let your users order their feed.

WPSolr Pro offers many sorting algorithms to ensure that your users can prioritize their desired content based on certain criteria and bump them on top of the list.

WPSolr sorting
WPSolr has Woocomerce integration

A great choice for your WooCommerce shop

Convert more visitors using our Woocommerce integration.

As shown here, you have the option to display all the information that your potential customers would want and need to see. 

Display price, discounts, ratings and/or add to cart buttons. 


Seamless theme integration

Since WPSolr doesn’t have an influence on your WordPress archives appearance, it won’t affect the visual identity of your website.

WPSolr Pro fetches the search results and let’s them get handled by your themes and custom layouts.

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