Image Elasticsearch-Logo-Color-V.png of Elasticsearch WordPress Search Plugin

Super-charge your search

Remove all limitations by using the mighty powers of Elasticsearch. Enjoy infinite scalability and lightning speed in no-time.

Image startup-1.png of Elasticsearch WordPress Search Plugin

1-2-3 ready to use without coding

No need to be a technical wizard. You are just a few clicks away from a complete new search experience. 

Image support.png of Elasticsearch WordPress Search Plugin

Hosted or self- hosted?

Choose to install your own Elasticsearch to keep 100% controlOr find a hosting service among the many already certified.

Manage your own Elasticsearch indexes

Create and delete indexes with one click.

Automatically install the index schema and settings.

By default, the English analyser is configured.

Tune Elasticsearch indexes, only if you want it

Connect to your Kibana dashboard to control your search.

Set your own analysers and languages.

Define custom pipelines and plugins.

Choose your data

Choose post types, taxonomies, and custom fields to search.

Manage custom field types, and conversion errors.

Multi indexes

Choose among several indexes.

Useful for multi-languages, or testing.

Control Indexing

Click on one button to index, re-index, or delete your data.

Choose Incremental or full reindexing.

Index in real-time, or not.

Index by batches, and select the batch size.

Show debugging informations for troubleshooting.

Index what you need

Choose post types and taxonomies to index, re-index, or delete.

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