Where top find setup files for Solr 8.1?

  • Stefan
    1 year, 1 month ago #35767

    I have a server with Solr 8.1 installed.
    If I try to connect to the server under ‘0. Connect your indexes’ it proposes me to download this file:
    curl -L -o myindex.zip https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqbhhv4dw41hrmx/wpsolr-v9-0.zip?dl=0
    But this is for solr9 and leads to all kinds of problems. For example it tries to use CaffeineCache which was only introduced i think in Solr 8.6.
    Where can i find the correct files for Solr 8.1?

    1 year, 1 month ago #35768

    WPSOLR only works with Solr 9.x version. Other versions will lead to configuration errors.

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