Use PHP instead of Twig for template

  • amphibee
    1 year, 3 months ago #32058


    I am testing the WPSolr extension. It is a priori possible to use PHP templates but I cannot manage to take them into account instead of Twig templates.

    What is the manipulation to do to no longer take into account the Twig templates?

    Thank you in advance for your return.

    Very good day

    1 year, 3 months ago #32060

    Only Twig templates can be used. PHP templates were never completed and will be removed.

    1 year, 3 months ago #32068


    Thanks for your answer.

    It would be awesome to have the possibility to override the rendering class (with a filter or with a configuration) by our own rendering engine. For example, we use Sage from Roots which uses Blade as the template engine.

    Have a great day

    1 year, 3 months ago #32071

    It is not possible to replace twig templates with another template library.

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