Release roadmap

  • wpsolr
    9 months, 2 weeks ago #35174

    * Search personalization with Metarank

    * Recommendations with Algolia, Recombee, Google Retail, Amazon Personalize

    * AI models automatic fine-tuning

    * Search A/B testing

    * Conversational AI ChatBot powered by ChatGPT and with Weaviate’s AI search results

    * Add Vespa as search engine. Self hosted or hosted by Vespa Cloud for unlimited scalability and high availability.

    * Apply Weaviate Generative search module to call OpenAI GPT-3 to generate prompts from results.

    * Add a url query parameter to define the current search view. For instance, replace an Elasticsearch view with a Weaviate & OpenAI view when clicking on internal links or search boxes.

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