Get results array for data indexed by wp solr

  • 1 year, 7 months ago #30793

    Is there any code to echo the data indexed by wp solr plugin, to check the array and fields indexed for each product.

    1 year, 7 months ago #30794


    use wpsolr\core\classes\WPSOLR_Events;
    add_filter( WPSOLR_Events::WPSOLR_FILTER_SOLARIUM_DOCUMENT_FOR_UPDATE, 'debug_indexed_data', 99, 5 );
    function debug_indexed_data( array $document_for_update, $solr_indexing_options, $post, $attachment_body, $search_engine_client ) {
     /* output $document_for_update here */
     return $document_for_update;
    1 year, 7 months ago #30795

    I added code but not able to see any data. Where can I see the response, I just want to see this on search page for debugging, preferably in frontend …

    1 year, 7 months ago #30797

    Actually, I want the array to display some extra code in frontend.

    1 year, 7 months ago #30798

    You can show the data in debug.log with error_log( print_r( $document_for_update, true ) );

    1 year, 7 months ago #30799

    Can’t I get the data for normal frontend use, without debug?

    1 year, 7 months ago #30800

    I mean the actual data with which wp solr is building the results, Can I access the array in frontend, to extend some lfunctionality?

    1 year, 7 months ago #30806

    Any variable or function to access data for results which the wp solr plugin is using, to add filters on it ?

    1 year, 7 months ago #30807

    What would you like to achieve?

    1 year, 7 months ago #30808

    we added a custom date range filter, I need to get the count for the date ranges, so that we can hide the facet list item if count is zero.

    1 year, 7 months ago #30809

    As mentioned on, I cannot help on customizing WPSOLR with a new facet layout.

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