failed to parse field [displaymodified_dt_i] of type [integer] in document with
- cbarwinParticipant3 years, 1 month ago #27535
Hi, I am getting this error while indexing from back-end. I enabled the debug and set batch to 1. Following error is displayed.
Error code: parsererror
Error message: SyntaxError: Unexpected token P in JSON at position 5
Posts excluded from the index:<br><b></b><br><br>******** DEBUG ACTIVATED – Beginning of new loop (batch size) *******<br><br>******** DEBUG ACTIVATED – Query documents from last post date *******<br><br>Query:<br><b>SELECT ID, post_modified, post_parent, post_type FROM wp_posts AS A WHERE ((post_modified = ‘2021-08-16 06:52:55’ AND ID > 2061654) OR (post_modified > ‘2021-08-16 06:52:55’)) AND ( post_status NOT IN (‘auto-draft’) AND ( post_type = ‘product_variation’ ) ) ORDER BY post_modified ASC, ID ASC LIMIT 1</b><br><br>Last post date:<br><b>2021-08-16 06:52:55</b><br><br>Last post ID:<br><b>2061654</b><br><br>Post to be sent:<br><b>{ “id”: 2055635, “PID”: 2055635, “type”: “product_variation”, “meta_type_s”: “post_type”, “displaymodified”: “2021-08-16T07:15:45Z”, “title”: “Fleurco Gemini Plus 3\/8” Brushed, 24” Towel Bar 72” Width – Finish Unknown”, “title_s”: “Fleurco Gemini Plus 3\/8” Brushed, 24” Towel Bar 72” Width – Finish Unknown”, “permalink”: “https:\/\/\/product\/fleurco-gemini-plus-3-8-brushed-24-towel-bar-72-width\/?attribute_pa_finish=finish-unknown”, “post_parent_i”: 2055634, “post_status_s”: “publish”, “content”: ” FLEURCO. 0. 0. Fleurco. finish-unknown. 0. 0. 2471270. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Gemini Plus 3\/8” Brushed, 24” Towel Bar 72” Width. 1189. 1189. ZNP0012572. 0″, “post_author_s”: “162”, “author”: “Admin Admin”, “menu_order_i”: 0, “PID_i”: 2055635, “author_s”: “https:\/\/\/author\/admin\/”, “displaydate”: “2021-08-08T10:15:14Z”, “displaydate_dt”: “2021-08-08T10:15:14Z”, “date”: “2021-08-08T15:15:14Z”, “displaymodified_dt”: “2021-08-16T07:15:45Z”, “modified”: “2021-08-16T12:15:45Z”, “displaymodified_dt_i”: 1629098145000, “displaymodified_dt_y_i”: 2021, “displaymodified_dt_ym_i”: 8, “displaymodified_dt_yw_i”: 33, “displaymodified_dt_yd_i”: 228, “displaymodified_dt_md_i”: 16, “displaymodified_dt_wd_i”: 2, “displaymodified_dt_dh_i”: 7, “displaymodified_dt_dm_i”: 15, “displaymodified_dt_ds_i”: 45, “displaydate_dt_i”: 1628417714000, “displaydate_dt_y_i”: 2021, “displaydate_dt_ym_i”: 8, “displaydate_dt_yw_i”: 31, “displaydate_dt_yd_i”: 220, “displaydate_dt_md_i”: 8, “displaydate_dt_wd_i”: 8, “displaydate_dt_dh_i”: 10, “displaydate_dt_dm_i”: 15, “displaydate_dt_ds_i”: 14, “date_i”: 1628435714000, “date_y_i”: 2021, “date_ym_i”: 8, “date_yw_i”: 31, “date_yd_i”: 220, “date_md_i”: 8, “date_wd_i”: 8, “date_dh_i”: 15, “date_dm_i”: 15, “date_ds_i”: 14, “displaydate_i”: 1628417714000, “displaydate_y_i”: 2021, “displaydate_ym_i”: 8, “displaydate_yw_i”: 31, “displaydate_yd_i”: 220, “displaydate_md_i”: 8, “displaydate_wd_i”: 8, “displaydate_dh_i”: 10, “displaydate_dm_i”: 15, “displaydate_ds_i”: 14, “modified_i”: 1629116145000, “modified_y_i”: 2021, “modified_ym_i”: 8, “modified_yw_i”: 33, “modified_yd_i”: 228, “modified_md_i”: 16, “modified_wd_i”: 2, “modified_dh_i”: 12, “modified_dm_i”: 15, “modified_ds_i”: 45, “comments”: [], “numcomments”: 0, “categories_str”: [], “categories”: [ “FLEURCO”, “0”, “0”, “Fleurco”, “finish-unknown”, “0”, “0”, “2471270”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “Gemini Plus 3\/8” Brushed, 24” Towel Bar 72” Width”, “1189”, “1189”, “ZNP0012572”, “0” ], “flat_hierarchy_categories_str”: [], “non_flat_hierarchy_categories_str”: [], “tags”: [], “priceline_str”: [ “FLEURCO” ], “flat_hierarchy_priceline_str”: [ “FLEURCO” ], “non_flat_hierarchy_priceline_str”: [ “FLEURCO” ], “83rd_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “83rd_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “arizona_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “arizona_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “attribute_pa_brand_str”: [ “Fleurco” ], “attribute_pa_finish_str”: [ “finish-unknown” ], “chicago_arizona_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “chicago_arizona_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “chicago_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “chicago_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “eclipse_id_str”: [ “2471270” ], “finish_code_str”: [], “glenview_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “glenview_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “highland_park_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “highland_park_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “hubbard_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “hubbard_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “kohler_chicago_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “kohler_chicago_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “kohler_naperville_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “kohler_naperville_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “kohler_palatine_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “kohler_palatine_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “lincolnwood_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “lincolnwood_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “naperville_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “naperville_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “outlet_naperville_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “outlet_naperville_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “outlet_pulaski_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “outlet_pulaski_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “palatine_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “palatine_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “schaumburg_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “schaumburg_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “scottsdale_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “scottsdale_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “special_status_str”: [], “total_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “total_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “upc_str”: [], “vanity_highland_park_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “vanity_highland_park_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “vanity_pulaski_inventory_i”: [ “0” ], “vanity_pulaski_inventory_str”: [ “0” ], “variant_title_str”: [ “Gemini Plus 3\/8” Brushed, 24” Towel Bar 72” Width” ], “_price_f”: [ 1189 ], “_price_str”: [ 1189 ], “_regular_price_f”: [ 1189 ], “_regular_price_str”: [ 1189 ], “_sku_str”: [ “ZNP0012572” ], “_stock_i”: [ “0” ], “_stock_str”: [ “0” ] }</b><br><br>{“nb_results”:0,”status”:0,”message”:”failed to parse field [displaymodified_dt_i] of type [integer] in document with id ‘2055635’. Preview of field’s value: ‘1629098145000’”,”indexing_complete”:false}
Please suggest what causes indexing to stop working.
- This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by wpsolr.
wpsolrKeymaster3 years, 1 month ago #27536WPSOLR 22.1 introduced a change in the Solr schema. Please follow
wpsolrKeymaster3 years, 1 month ago #27540Manually updating the field data type on an existing index has to be done in your Solr server’s index schema.xml file.
This is why I encourage you to just create a new index in WSOLR, and use this new index: the new field data type will be applied automatically.
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