Algolia search / query not used on flatsome

  • vippro
    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40105

    I setup the plugin with Algolia as search engine and flatsome & wocommerce as theme but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work. The products are indexed but the search queries are not performed against the Algolia. The search queries still go to wocommerce/wordpress database.
    Our website is
    I attached here several screenshots with the settings of the plugin.

    When I search on the top search bar ( I expected the query to be sent to algolia but it’s not the case. I can see that from the Algolia admin dashboard (i.e. search query logs). The solr pro cookie is dropped though…so I don’t know what’s wrong in there…
    Can you please let me know how to fix it?
    Kind regards,

    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40113

    Do you see errors from WPSOLR in the javascript inspector console, or in your debug.log file?

    If not, can you setup the Query Monitor add-on and verify if Algolia is called?

    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40125

    I setup query monitor but I don’t know how to check if Algolia is called because I can’t see the WSolr anywhere in the query logger. In fact after I installed the Query monitor and enabled it on wsolr it seems the search is no longer working (at least the suggestions are no longer working).
    Can you please check directly on the site? I’ve created an admin user for you:

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by wpsolr.
    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40129

    Your search is powered by Algolia, as expected. Your query monitor is now setup and shows the Algolia query and results.


    Image wpsolr-vip-pro-query-monitor.png of

    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40132

    Is the “suggestion” box using Algolia as well? If not, how can I do that?

    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40133

    I can setup suggestions with WPSOLR if you wish. I’ll deactivate the Flatsome live search first.

    Do you want to see only products in suggestions? Or other post types like posts and pages? Or even product taxonomies like categories, tags, or attributes?

    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40170

    I would like WPSOLR to work either same as now with Flatsome live search (but faster) or if it’s possible a kind of “full screen search” like on

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by vippro.
    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40174

    You can have it like our Algolia flatsome demo

    1 month, 2 weeks ago #40224

    ok. Please make it work “like that” and I will try to fix it with CSS

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by vippro.
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