WP admin search useless

  • dnikola
    4 years ago #19150

    Hi Patrice,

    when I turn on option to replace admin archive https://prntscr.com/ro2uyr – search https://prntscr.com/ro2z8j on all post edit page is useless, it doesn’t work, and I cannot find anything ?

    4 years ago #19155

    What do you mean exactly?

    3 years, 11 months ago #19823

    This was my fault. WPsolr search better than regular search and return much more results so in first i tough that it was error.

    Sorry, my bad!

    3 years, 11 months ago #19828

    Yes, because it browses inside all the custom fields and taxonomies you selected for indexing in screen 2.1, even in the admin. This is particularly spectacular on WoooCommerce orders, where the orders search can retrieve orders by the customers’s billing address for instance.

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