Sort by two custom fields

  • 2 years ago #31194

    Hi, I am trying to sort by date that is a custom field, and also on featured product which comes under product visibility. I am getting some products in random order. I have tried using sort by filter by adding custom date field as default sort and then using boost for featured.

    Can you pls guide me, how to setup products which are sorted by custom field date, and also based on featured at same time.

    2 years ago #31195

    You can select a default secondary sort on screen “2.5 Sort”

    2 years ago #31199

    Like this ? Still its not ordering by featured products, only ordering by custom date field. Can you guide me, what more settings to be done ? Featured products should come in date order, the followed by rest of products, in date order.
    Image pbc.png of
    Image fct2.png of

    2 years ago #31200

    using publication date also in boost
    Image image.png of

    2 years ago #31201

    Boost will reorder results if the first sort is “Relevancy”.

    Concerning the second sort field, it cannot be the same as the fist sort field.

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