Newby – templates not working

  • 4 years ago #19583

    I am trying to figure out how to work with this plugin. I am using woocommerce, integration with woocommerce is switched on.

    I have choosen to use my own temmplates in 2.1: “Use my current theme search template” and I have checked all the boxes on the top.

    Yet I do not see any difference in my categroy pages (adding /?s=search+word or /?search=search+word) at the end of a category. Widgets are not appearing.

    The plugin does not seem to capture the /?s=, but only the /?search= on the dedicated page.

    When I create a specific search page and I add the short code, it seems to be working in the wpsolr template.

    What am i doing wrong?

    4 years ago #19584

    Can you check in your chrome js console for errors? and in debug.log?

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