HTTP request failed, Could not resolve host
- pseudo visitorParticipant5 years, 10 months ago #9239
I have followed video for test index and i get this message Solr HTTP error: HTTP request failed, Could not resolve host:
wpsolrKeymaster5 years, 10 months ago #9240Hi,
This is a Solr test index, which is deprecated. Please delete it, and create an Elasticsearch test index instead.
pseudo visitorParticipant5 years, 10 months ago #9242Can i ask you for installation tutorial for dummies. I want to try your plugin in my test environment. WordPress is updated to latest version, WooCommerce to latest version, all plugin updated, Xstore theme. If we are satisfied with speed and look and feeling we will purchase licence and install on live server. Could you point me to right direction?
pseudo visitorParticipant5 years, 10 months ago #9245I’m stuck on Create free test index. Nothing is happening like in video.
pseudo visitorParticipant5 years, 10 months ago #9247Right on. Is it “burden” like you said or i could digg into it? 🙂
wpsolrKeymaster5 years, 10 months ago #9248You could try to check your WP logs for errors.
Do you have php curl extension activated on your server ? (WPSOLR uses this extension to communicate with ES/SOlr ). You should see php or WP error if not.
But sometimes, the hosting provider is blocking all outbound ports. You can ask them.
pseudo visitorParticipant5 years, 10 months ago #9249I checked, and curl is not installed on my server.
wpsolrKeymaster5 years, 10 months ago #9250Here is the php cURL manual:
pseudo visitorParticipant5 years, 10 months ago #9251Is it easier to install local Elasticsearch or Solr server? How can i do this. Our site is on dedicated server, i have root privileges on server.
wpsolrKeymaster5 years, 10 months ago #9252 But you’ll need curl and php-curl too.
pseudo visitorParticipant5 years, 10 months ago #9253I got that. But what is bugging me is what is better solution. Local server or your server? I guess local server is better.
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