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Different ways of integrating Elasticsearch with WooCommerce


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Elasticsearch is an open-source search engine that helps in storing and indexing data quickly and efficiently. It is a powerful tool that can be integrated with various applications, including eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce.

WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin that allows businesses to sell their products online through their websites. Integrating Elasticsearch with WooCommerce can enhance the search experience for users and provide better search results.

In this post, we will discuss different ways of integrating Elasticsearch with WooCommerce and how WPSOLR can help in this process. We will also add some PHP code to help you get started with the Elasticsearch client.

Integrating Elasticsearch with WooCommerce

There are different ways to integrate Elasticsearch with WooCommerce, and we will discuss some of them here:

1. Using the Elasticsearch plugin for WooCommerce

WooCommerce has an official Elasticsearch plugin that you can install and configure to integrate Elasticsearch with your store. This plugin allows you to enable search filtering, sorting, and autocomplete functionality on your website.

2. Using a third-party plugin

You can also use third-party plugins like ElasticPress, SearchWP, and WPSOLR to integrate Elasticsearch with WooCommerce. These plugins provide additional features and functionality to enhance the search experience on your website.

3. Using custom code

If you have development skills, you can also integrate Elasticsearch with WooCommerce using custom code. This will give you more control over how Elasticsearch interacts with your store and allows you to add more custom features.

Using PHP client with Elasticsearch

To use Elasticsearch with WooCommerce, you will need to use a programming language like PHP. Here is an example of using the PHP client to retrieve search results from Elasticsearch:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;
$client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();

$params = [
 'index' => 'your_index_name',
 'type' => 'your_doc_type',
 'body' => [
  'query' => [
   'match' => [
    'your_field_name' => 'your_search_query'

$response = $client->search($params);

This code retrieves search results from Elasticsearch using the PHP client. You will need to replace “your_index_name,” “your_doc_type,” “your_field_name,” and “your_search_query” with your actual index, document type, field name, and search query.

How WPSOLR can help

WPSOLR is a powerful plugin that can help you integrate Elasticsearch with your WooCommerce store quickly. Here are some features of WPSOLR:

– Supports multiple languages and multilingual search
– Provides advanced faceting and filtering options
– Allows you to customize the search results page
– Integrates with popular plugins like ACF, Polylang, and WPML
– Offers premium add-ons for additional features

WPSOLR simplifies the process of integrating Elasticsearch with WooCommerce and provides advanced search functionality that can improve the user experience on your website.


Integrating Elasticsearch with WooCommerce can provide a better search experience for users and help improve sales on your website. There are different ways to integrate Elasticsearch with WooCommerce, and you can choose the method that suits your needs best. The PHP client can help you retrieve search results from Elasticsearch, and WPSOLR can simplify the integration process and provide advanced search functionality.

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