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MyListing theme Elasticsearch plugin​

MyListing search with Elasticsearch
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*Elasticsearch hosted by you or hosted (fees not included)
Power MyListing search at any scale with


Elasticsearch search plugin for MyListing

Then €99/month*
MyListing search with Elasticsearch
7 days free trial
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*Elasticsearch hosted by you or hosted (fees not included)
Image wpsolr-pro-enterprise-box-1-1.png of MyListing theme Elasticsearch plugin​
Image mylisting.avif of MyListing theme Elasticsearch plugin​
Graph representing search speed : WordPress default search vs WPSolr Pro

Incredible speed and relevancy for MyListing

WPSolr plugin connects your MyListing theme to world-class Elasticsearch search, always delivering fast and relevant results, even under heavy traffic.


WPSolr is compatible with Elasticsearch search engines. This search engine can provide keyword search, facets, filters, geolocation.

Search anything in your MyListing theme

WPSolr can index any type of MyListing data : listing types, recurring dates, filters, facets, geolocation, and more.

Help visitors with MyListing custom fields

Use all MyListing range of filters, including checkboxes, radio boxes, sliders, dates, distance, map selection, and more, will allow your users to filter out items based on their specific criteria.

Filter by distance on Google maps and OpenStreet maps

Click on the map to filter by distance, even with hundreds of thousands of Listings.

Contrary to PHP code, Elasticsearch can filter by distance with speed and precision. Whatever the volume of data or the number of visitors on your site.

Elasticsearch, but without the stress

Using Elasticsearch was notoriously difficult.

But WPSolr simplifies the whole process. Lauch your Elasticsearch docker, or connect to the elastic.co hosting. That’s it. WPSOLR takes care of everything else.

Image 15076639807937_Elasticsearch-Logo-Color-V.jpg.png of MyListing theme Elasticsearch plugin​

Replace basic "Related listings" with AI recommendations

Requires a WPSOLR license with Recombee.

WPSOLR powers MyListing “Related listings” with Elasticsearch. But it can be improved many times with Recombee, which includes geographical restrictions thanks to ReQL language.

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