Filter not clearing : Issues with factes with same names

  • 1 year, 7 months ago #31146

    Hi, I have a filter called Tech, which is the main parent. but there is a children named Tech of a another parent. So when I select Tech, now the parent and the child , whose name matches Tech are getting selected.

    And in this case, if I click on any of the item called Tech, its not getting cleared, even clicking multiple times. Instead of clearing the existing string from url, its appending a fresh string with empty value into url and its failing to clear this filter.
    appended to existing url : &wpsolr_fq[1]=cat_str:, leaving behind the original wpsolr_fq[0] unchanged.

    1 year, 7 months ago #31148

    I tested the issue with original plugin files, still the same issue persists. Can you reproduce this issue and debug it?

    1 year, 7 months ago #31149

    Indeed, two terms in the taxonomy with the same name are prohibited. I advice to change the redundant names and reindex all the related post types.

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