Custom field filters

  • Piteus
    3 years ago #26257

    Hello, i’m trying to use custom fields as filters, so in Filters I select “Custom_data” like product_cat, that I already use, but it doesn’t appears in the filters.
    Another question, “custom_data” is a Date so can i use a filter like “between Date1 and Date2”?

    3 years ago #26258

    Your custom field must have been selected in tab 2.2, with the data type “Date”, then your data reindexed. It should then appear in your WPSOLR search filters widget.
    You can show your filter with a date slider layout.

    3 years ago #26294

    Ok thanks but i’ve a problem, i think that it doesn’t index because of Italian Date format(dd/mm/yy), can i set this format somewhere?
    Another problem is that when i’m trying to filter with date slider it make no result but products exist in that range

    3 years ago #26295

    Dates are stored in a format independent of the country or language.
    What makes you think that “it doesn’t index”?

    3 years ago #26296

    In my custom field date is “dd/mm/yy” Ex. 4 January 2021 -> 04/01/2021, but plugin index it as “1 April 2021”.
    But still using US format when I use range slider does not find any products, this is the query in nav bar:
    1585103563636 -> Wednesday 25 March 2020 02:32:43.636
    1612137600000 -> Monday 1 February 2021 00:00:00
    But i’ve a product with date 07/23/2020(which once solved I will mark as 23/07/2020)

    2 years, 12 months ago #26297

    Indeed, WPSOLR indexes dates from strtotime(), which seems to take a US date format by default.
    I do not know a good way to convert a date from any format (like Italian) to US before calling strtotime().

    Even more problematic, what if custom dates are stored in several formats (Italian, US)?
    Or if WPML is used and all dates must be stored according to the languages?

    2 years, 12 months ago #26298

    If you use strtotime() should be enough to replace “/” with “-“(25/05/2020 -> 25-05-2020)
    Apparently there are two possible formats European or US, if it’s a problem for you, you can tell me where edit code to replace the symbols without having to generalize it in your plugin

    2 years, 12 months ago #26299

    Unfortunately, this still requires WPSOLR knowing the current custom field date format is European or US.

    But here is your workaround to solve your issue:

    use wpsolr\core\classes\WPSOLR_Events;
    add_filter( WPSOLR_Events::WPSOLR_FILTER_POST_CUSTOM_FIELDS, 'filter_custom_fields', 10, 2 );
     * @href
     * Convert a European formatted custom field date to US formatted date, so strtotime() yields the correct value for Elasticsearch Date field
     * 25/01/2021 => 25-01-2021
     * @param array $custom_fields
     * @param int $post_id
     * @return mixed
    function filter_custom_fields( $custom_fields, $post_id ) {
    	$custom_fields['custom_field_date_ddmmyy'] = str_replace( '/', '-', $custom_fields['custom_field_date_ddmmyy'] );
    	return $custom_fields;
    2 years, 12 months ago #26300

    Thanks, it works perfectly!
    But when i’m using date slider it doesn’t match any items, in the bar I can see first and last value that are correct but if i try to move it, for example i’ve selected from 10 August 2020 to 2 January 2021, it show me “No products were found matching your selection.” but i’ve more products in this range for example 1 December 2020
    Do you know why it happens?

    2 years, 12 months ago #26301

    The Elasticsearch/Solr/Algolia query debug mode in tab 2.1 should help you understand the problem.

    2 years, 12 months ago #26302

    [ { "query": "*", "offset": 0, "length": 10, "maxValuesPerFacet": 10, "sortFacetValuesBy": "alpha", "attributesToRetrieve": [ "id", "PID", "type", "meta_type_s", "title", "numcomments", "comments", "displaydate", "displaymodified", "*categories_str", "author", "*post_thumbnail_href_str", "*post_href_str", "snippet_s" ], "filters": "(type:\"product\") AND (NOT post_status_s:\"draft\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"pending\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"trash\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"future\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"private\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"auto-draft\") AND (NOT product_visibility_str:\"exclude-from-search\") AND ((NOT is_excluded_s:*) OR (is_excluded_s:\"n\"))AND ((custom_data_dt_i:1594951816137 TO 1609545600000))", "facets": [ "custom_data_dt_i", "flat_hierarchy_product_cat_str", "product_tag_str", "type", "post_status_s", "product_visibility_str", "is_excluded_s" ], "indexName": "dev_piteus_replica_sort_custom_data_dt_i_asc" }, { "facets": [ "filterOnly(type)", "filterOnly(post_status_s)", "filterOnly(is_excluded_s)", "custom_data_dt" ], "hitsPerPage": 0, "page": 0, "attributesToRetrieve": [], "attributesToHighlight": [], "attributesToSnippet": [], "analytics": false, "clickAnalytics": false, "filters": "(type:\"product\") AND (NOT post_status_s:\"draft\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"pending\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"trash\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"future\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"private\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"auto-draft\") AND ((NOT is_excluded_s:*) OR (is_excluded_s:\"n\"))", "indexName": "dev_piteus_replica_sort_custom_data_dt_i_asc" } ]

    [ { "hits": [], "nbHits": 0, "offset": 0, "length": 10, "facets": [], "exhaustiveFacetsCount": true, "exhaustiveNbHits": true, "query": "*", "params": "query=*&offset=0&length=10&maxValuesPerFacet=10&sortFacetValuesBy=alpha&attributesToRetrieve=%5B%22id%22%2C%22PID%22%2C%22type%22%2C%22meta_type_s%22%2C%22title%22%2C%22numcomments%22%2C%22comments%22%2C%22displaydate%22%2C%22displaymodified%22%2C%22*categories_str%22%2C%22author%22%2C%22*post_thumbnail_href_str%22%2C%22*post_href_str%22%2C%22snippet_s%22%5D&filters=%28type%3A%22product%22%29+AND+%28NOT+post_status_s%3A%22draft%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22pending%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22trash%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22future%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22private%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22auto-draft%22%29+AND+%28NOT+product_visibility_str%3A%22exclude-from-search%22%29+AND+%28%28NOT+is_excluded_s%3A*%29+OR+%28is_excluded_s%3A%22n%22%29%29AND+%28%28custom_data_dt_i%3A1594951816137+TO+1609545600000%29%29&facets=%5B%22custom_data_dt_i%22%2C%22flat_hierarchy_product_cat_str%22%2C%22product_tag_str%22%2C%22type%22%2C%22post_status_s%22%2C%22product_visibility_str%22%2C%22is_excluded_s%22%5D", "index": "dev_piteus_replica_sort_custom_data_dt_i_asc", "processingTimeMS": 1 }, { "hits": [], "nbHits": 8, "page": 0, "nbPages": 0, "hitsPerPage": 0, "facets": [], "exhaustiveFacetsCount": true, "exhaustiveNbHits": true, "query": "", "params": "facets=%5B%22filterOnly%28type%29%22%2C%22filterOnly%28post_status_s%29%22%2C%22filterOnly%28is_excluded_s%29%22%2C%22custom_data_dt%22%5D&hitsPerPage=0&page=0&attributesToRetrieve=%5B%5D&attributesToHighlight=%5B%5D&attributesToSnippet=%5B%5D&analytics=false&clickAnalytics=false&filters=%28type%3A%22product%22%29+AND+%28NOT+post_status_s%3A%22draft%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22pending%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22trash%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22future%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22private%22+AND+NOT+post_status_s%3A%22auto-draft%22%29+AND+%28%28NOT+is_excluded_s%3A*%29+OR+%28is_excluded_s%3A%22n%22%29%29", "index": "dev_piteus_replica_sort_custom_data_dt_i_asc", "processingTimeMS": 1 } ]

    Did you mean this?

    2 years, 12 months ago #26303

    You can execute the query without the filter “AND ((custom_data_dt_i:1594951816137 TO 1609545600000))” on your Algolia dashboard.

    2 years, 12 months ago #26304

    Sorry but i don’t know where execute the query on Algolia dashboard

    2 years, 12 months ago #26305

    Can you tell me where?

    2 years, 12 months ago #26306

    For instance, start with:
    { "filters": "(type:\"product\") AND (NOT post_status_s:\"draft\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"pending\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"trash\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"future\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"private\" AND NOT post_status_s:\"auto-draft\") AND (NOT product_visibility_str:\"exclude-from-search\") AND ((NOT is_excluded_s:*) OR (is_excluded_s:\"n\")) AND ((custom_data_dt_i:1594951816137 TO 1609545600000))"}

    Screenshot of the Algolia “Add Query Parameters”:
    Image algolia_dashboard_custom_query-1.png of

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