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Typo correction was a pure nightmare for decades, but no more thanks to LLMs


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1. Just prompt #ChatGPT to fix the query with almost any kind of typos, and it will do it with ease.

Fix the typo on the following queries:
A: plise fixe the tippo
B: veri plised of my last aquisission

A: Please fix the typo
B: Very pleased with my last acquisition

2. You can also get typo-proof search results with a vector search. Embeddings are encoding concepts rather than words, which make them quite insensitive to syntax errors.

Image wpsolr-demos-typos.png of Typo correction was a pure nightmare for decades, but no more thanks to LLMs


3. And last, you can add a nice “Did you mean?” prompt to your vector search, to get simultaneously typo correction and typo-proof results.


For more examples of vector search typo-insensitive search with WPSOLR + Weaviate + #gpt3 : https://www.wpsolr.com

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