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Duplicated suggestions on elasticsearch 6.5

Hi How to limit the duplicate suggestions. I have a Cloudways setup with Elasticsearch 6.5. Sorry to ask it again. I only found an old topic with an answer it is related to the Elastic version. But i have read that this option to skip_duplicates is back in 6.2

Disable WPML extension

Hi, I have wpml woocommerce store. I use products without duplication, so translation is minimal. I use 1 search index for 2 languages Eng and Nl I needed to translate Facetlabel. But the translation did not show up. So i enabled wpml wpsolr extension. But now are my facets completely gone? I did a complete new indexation, but no change. I cant disable or enable the wpml extension (Use the WPML plugin (Tested with WPML Multilingual CMS 3.7.1 and WPML String Translation 2.5.4) to manage multi-language search.) The setting does not stay after save?

Different quantity product columns

Hi, When i do a search, and click a suggestion. My template product grid is changed from 4 to 1 column. When i do a search for the same keyword and confirm with an enter from my keyboard, i have the same items and my grid keeps the 4 columns. How to keep the 4 columns when clicked with the mouse on a suggestion? Thanks

Integration with TranslatePress

Is integration with TranslatePress on the road map? If not, please add it to your list of requested features. Thanks. Link: https://translatepress.com

Request for expandable facets

Hello is it possible to add in some of next features an option to expand a facets values. We have an option to limit them in plugin settings but it would be nice if we had an option to check do you want to show and rest with expand link so on fronted end there will be a link – show more if there are more than X values limited in plugin setting..

Few questions about search and results

Hi Partice, I am currently indexing (indexed) about 4000 custom post type posts in solr. I this is settings a have setup in 2.2 https://prntscr.com/p9vdhl All text that needs to be searched is inside this field transkript so my questions’s are 1. Did i setup this correctly? 2. If i search for same word but on two different letter type – for example Patrice and Патрице will it return same results for both search ? if no, how i can manage when search for one word to return second one. 3. If I search for Patri for example can it return everything that will match after searched term Patricing Patrice Patria Patriamo end etc… Is it enough just to check this option https://prntscr.com/p9vgzf Thanks!