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Image search for WordPress & Woocommerce

Wordpress image search

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Image search is becoming more and more common with the advent of AI. It is very useful for many purposes but one of the most important is e-commerce. Using image search, users can upload images to find products that closely resemble what they are looking for, yielding far better conversion rates than text-based search ever would.

So what if you wanted to add image search to Woocommerce, the world’s leading solution when it comes to e-commerce platforms.


Learn all there is to know about WordPress search by reading our guide.


How does image search work ?


You can’t add image search to your WordPress or Woocommerce using the default search. The default WordPress search uses basic SQL to search for matching items whereas image search relies on AI. So it requires a vector database.


You could use Weaviate. It is open source so you can download it and install it for free. It can also natively integrate any huggingface vectorizing or reranking transformers model.


Add image search to your WordPress or Woocommerce ?


To add image search to your WordPress or Woocommerce websites, you could use WPSolr (a search & recommendations plugin).


WPSolr can integrate many search engines, including Weaviate into WordPress websites. To add image search, you could then use the multi2vec-clip module. In layman’s terms, clip is an AI model that can view images and detect patterns and objects in them to classify the images.


You can check out our Woocommerce + Weaviate clip demo :

WPSolr demo screenshot : add image search to Woocommerce using Weaviate and Clip model


When searching for “yellow”, the products that contain the color yellow in their images are returned.

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