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How to improve search speed and accuracy with Elasticsearch

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Are you struggling to find accurate search results or experiencing slow search speed for your data? Look no further than Elasticsearch, the open-source search engine with a powerful and scalable search solution.

Elasticsearch can improve search speed and accuracy, but utilizing it can be challenging. In this post, we’ll explore how to improve search speed and accuracy with Elasticsearch and provide some code examples with a PHP client, and finally, we’ll discuss how WPSOLR can help.

How to improve search speed and accuracy with Elasticsearch:

1. Proper Mapping:

One of the most critical factors in improving search speed and accuracy in Elasticsearch is mapping correctly. Mapping is the process of defining how documents and their fields should be stored and indexed in Elasticsearch. Properly mapped fields can help reduce the time it takes to find matching documents and improve the relevance of results.

To correctly map a field, you need to understand its data type, how it’s analyzed, and how it should be searched. The most common data types include strings, numbers, dates, booleans, and arrays. Fields can also be analyzed in different ways, such as splitting strings into terms or keeping them as a whole. Understanding these factors will help you create an appropriate mapping, so Elasticsearch can understand how to index the data correctly.

Here’s an example of mapping a string field:

PUT /my_index
 "mappings": {
  "properties": {
   "name": {
    "type": "text"

This mapping correctly defines the “name” field’s text type, so Elasticsearch can correctly analyze and search it.

2. Query Types:

Elasticsearch provides multiple query types to search for documents, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these query types will help you select the right one for your search needs, improving search speed and accuracy.

Some of the query types include:

– Match Query: Searches for a specific value in a field.
– Multi-Match Query: Searches for a specific value in multiple fields.
– Range Query: Searches for documents within a specific range of values.
– Fuzzy Query: Searches for documents that match a term with a degree of fuzziness.

Here’s an example of a match query:

GET /my_index/_search
 "query": {
  "match": {
   "name": "John"

This query will return all documents that match the value “John” in the “name” field.

3. Filters:

Filters can help improve search speed by reducing the number of documents that need to be searched. Filters work by selecting only documents that match specific criteria and are faster than queries as they don’t analyze the search term in the same way.

Some filter types include:

– Term Filter: Matches exact values in a field.
– Range Filter: Matches documents within a specific range of values.
– Exists Filter: Matches documents that have a specific field.

Here’s an example of a term filter:

GET /my_index/_search
 "query": {
  "bool": {
   "filter": [
     "term": {
      "name": "John"

This query will return all documents that match the exact term “John” in the “name” field.

4. Caching:

Caching the frequently searched queries and filters can improve search speed by reducing the time Elasticsearch needs to search for documents.

Here’s an example of caching:

GET /my_index/_search?request_cache=true
 "query": {
  "match": {
   "name": "John"

This query caches the search results, so multiple searches for the same term will retrieve the cached results, improving search speed. If you want to clear the cached results, use the clear cache API:

POST /my_index/_cache/clear

PHP client code example:

Here’s a PHP client example of a search query:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;

$client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();

$params = [
 'index' => 'my_index',
 'body' => [
  'query' => [
   'match' => [
    'name' => 'John'

$response = $client->search($params);


How WPSOLR can help:

WPSOLR is a powerful plugin that integrates Elasticsearch with WordPress to transform your website into a super-fast search engine. It automates the mapping, indexing, and searching of your WordPress data, providing exact and fast search results to your users.

WPSOLR offers a vast range of useful features, including:

– Customizable search pages.
– Multilingual search.
– Faceted search.
– Search caching.
– Support for third-party plugins.

In conclusion, Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine with exceptional abilities to improve search speed and accuracy if utilized correctly. Accurate mapping, the appropriate use of query types and filters, caching, and the use of WPSOLR can give you the best search experience for your users.

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