solr not working as expected
- jagman123Participant4 years, 10 months ago #15447
So the errors are no longer there which is good. I indexed everything again.
“A total of 178820 documents are currently in your index “my-new-indexssx”
However, when i search something it is the same as before.
I looked in the wordpress log and that error is not there either.
Confused what is going wrong.
wpsolrKeymaster4 years, 10 months ago #15452Did you “reload” your index (or restart Solr”) ?
After that, can you send me a screenshot of your Solr admin, for your new index, on localhost:8983/solr/#/my-new-indexssx/files to let me show the config files.
Perhaps you’ll need to retry with a brand new index name. I suspect your trials made your new index unstable.
jagman123Participant4 years, 10 months ago #15459Hi Sir,
So slighty confused on how it works.
In page 0, in the host field we put there localhost. But my host is 7….(ipaddress).
But then why are trying to locate myipadress:8983/solr/#/my-new-indexssx/files.
This isn’t coming up either.
Side note: I am running plesk (which is like cpanel) on 8443 btw.
I thought it might be wrong, so I did some experiments.
So I went back to page 0 and instead of putting the localhost, I put the actual IP address of my website.
with port 8983I get this error
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to “(my ipaddress)” port 8983: Connection refused
I turned on this port as TCP and tried again. It made no difference to the error message.
____________________Tried another thing.
I put port 8443 instead of 8983 with my ipaddress as host. It didnt give me any instructions and just saved. I clicked on “Check the index status, then Save this configuration”.
It came up with this error then
“cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate”.
I know this is alot of information that I have discussed. I really want your service to work on my site. Any guidance will most sincerely appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance
wpsolrKeymaster4 years, 10 months ago #15463I don’t think I can help you on that.
To display your Solr admin, you need to be either connected locally and use localhost (but it requires a desktop to open a browser locally), or you need to open your port myipadress to browse the UI remotely (which is not recommended for security).
jagman123Participant4 years, 10 months ago #15464Hi sir,
How do people with wp websites normally connect?
Usually most people are running linux so can’t open any browsers.
Didn’t get your point on local connection?
I am trying to add solr to my production site.
How would this work?
I can always open a port and then close it when you have seen the info you require?Is there another way to implement solr without opening the solr dashboard?
I am trying to get this up and running soon .Any steps/guidance would appreciated.
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