Real Time Indexing after updates via API

  • mcl7
    2 years, 8 months ago #27442

    I noticed that the real time indexing works only when a manual change has been made and not when a change is made via the API. We are updating inventory and pricing and after this takes place I have to manually reindex for the changes to be seen in the results.

    Any ideas on how to best solve this?

    2 years, 8 months ago #27443

    Real-time indexing happens on standard WordPress filters/actions: ‘save_post’, ‘add_attachment’, ‘edit_attachment’, ‘delete_attachment’, ‘create_term’, ‘edit_term’, ‘pre_delete_term’

    If the API does not call this filters, you can still call WPSOLR’s Cron add-on API in incremental mode after each import:

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