PHP Fatal Error

  • ajm
    3 years, 4 months ago #26063

    Hi There,
    When loading the setting page on
    2. Define your search with ‘xyz’
    2.2 Data
    I received the below error, at first I thought it was another plugin that was causing the issue so I had that disabled for a while and it was working fine again. Still, while that plugin was disabled I received the error again.

    Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method wpsolr\core\classes\models\taxonomy\WPSOLR_Model_Meta_Type_Taxonomy::has_attachments() app/plugins/wpsolr-pro/wpsolr/core/dashboard/

    3 years, 4 months ago #26079

    If you’re on screen 2.2, it could mean that you configured a post type on that screen some time ago.
    But later on, this post type was no more in the system, perhaps by deactivating the plugin that brought it (like WooCommerce for the “product” post type).

    As a workaround, you could reactivate the post type. Then remove it from the screen 2.2 settings. And finally, deactivate the post type again.

    3 years, 4 months ago #26080

    Thanks for the reply, that would make sense as we have made multiple changes along with a couple of plugins that created CPT. Are these values stored in the wpsolr database table anywhere so we can find which Post Type may no longer exist?

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