Not indexing with WebSolr

  • lil4alot
    5 years, 3 months ago #12757


    I am having issues indexing when indexing with WebSolr. A couple of things I’ve noticed is that I am only trying to index a small number of posts initially (500 or so) but when indexing, in the UI it never stops incrementing it just keeps going up.

    When looking at the metrics in WebSolr, it shows a few ‘requests’ being made but no ‘writes’. I’ve tried curling Websolr while SSH’d in the server with no issues.

    I’ve tried letting the index run for a day, and it will randomly index 1 -16 items, nothing else.

    I guess what I am also unsure of is when indexing should I be seeing writes being made immediately?

    Also, in the admin UI it says ‘Click on the button “synchronize” to index them.’ I don’t see a “synchronize” button in the admin interface

    Here is a debug log that is generated when running:

    {"models_nb_results":{"longform":10},"nb_results":820,"status":0,"indexing_complete":false,"debug_text":"Posts excluded from the index:<br><b>3961665,4246305<\/b><br><br>******** DEBUG ACTIVATED - Beginning of new loop (batch size) *******<br><br>******** DEBUG ACTIVATED - Query documents from last post date *******<br><br>Query:<br><b>SELECT ID, post_modified, post_parent, post_type FROM wp_posts AS posts WHERE ((post_modified = %s AND ID > %d) OR (post_modified > %s)) AND ( post_status IN ('publish') AND ( post_type = 'sn-longform' ) ) AND ID NOT IN (3961665,4246305) ORDER BY post_modified ASC, ID ASC LIMIT 10<\/b><br><br>Last post date:<br><b>1000-01-01 00:00:00<\/b><br><br>Last post ID:<br><b>0<\/b><br><br>

    Any help would be appreciated!

    5 years, 3 months ago #12758

    Which version of WPSOLR is it?

    5 years, 3 months ago #12759


    5 years, 3 months ago #12760

    It is a very old version. Many problems were fixed since, one probably solved your issue.

    5 years, 3 months ago #12761

    Is the paid plugin the only one supported?

    5 years, 3 months ago #12762

    I can only answer to general questions about the “old” free version. But I cannot fix it, or even debug it, because its code is deprecated and no more maintained.

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