Manually Send WC Product ids to Index

  • 1 year ago #33075

    Hi, Can you tell me, on what basis the “3. Send your data” identifies the products/posts and shows the count ? I want to know the particular parameters it looks for in the product ‘wp_posts’ table.

    1 year ago #33077

    You can see the query that gathers posts to index by selecting the “Debug mode” checkbox during indexing.

    1 year ago #33078

    I got his query:

    What values should I change in db, to make it to this send your data column ? I tried changing post_modified to current date, but its working sometime and not working sometimes. Can you tell me, whats the best way, to send a post to this re-indexing ?

    1 year ago #33079

    No need to do anything.
    When a post is published, it will be indexed in real-time, but also part of the next batch incremental indexing, as its publication date will be above the watermark (the watermark, in yellow in your screenshot, is the publication date of the last indexed post).

    1 year ago #33082

    we have some tasks which we do from the db in bulk, and we cant use the update post/ edit post wp backend, So in that case, we need to send that post to wpsolr, as we cant do complete re-indexing, as we have huge data.

    1 year ago #33086

    Just update the published date in the database with current time for the posts to be indexed. They will appear in the reindex batch list.

    1 year ago #33093

    Yeah, I tried with date as NOW(), and its working.

    1 year ago #33094

    You can configure a cron job to reindex in the background

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