Cannot search text containing special characters

  • euwid_burkhard
    5 years, 11 months ago #7973


    the problem is that I cannot search for special characters from our home page. Because our website is mainly german this is a problem since our language often contains the special characters: ä ö ü ß and Ä Ö Ü. WPSOLR seems to parse special characters there. For example also commata are getting parsed: , will become %2C. We’re using the Pro Version of WPSOLR.

    Following screenshot shows the result for the search “, ä ö ü ß Ä Ö Ü”: Image NGMk62r.png of Cannot search text containing special characters

    The website is where you could check the bug and HTML code for yourself if you need to.

    My question would be if this is a WPSOLR issue / bug or if this comes from our theme. I tried to find the issue but couldn’t find anything and wanted to ask here before I search further.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,
    Vincent Burkhard – EUWID

    5 years, 11 months ago #7975


    I’d say it comes from your theme. Can you just deactivate WPSOLR completely, and see what happens?

    5 years, 11 months ago #8320


    thanks for your insight. Indeed deactivating WPSOLR shows that it seems to come from the theme. Thanks for you insight.

    Best regards,
    Vincent Burkhard – EUWID

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