Bredcrumbs missing category levels

  • OEM
    4 years, 4 months ago #19770

    Using ajax, breadcrumbs not updating correctly with all the levels of categories -> subcategories, although permalink works correctly. Permalinks are correctly updated though with all the category tree included. When not using ajax there is no problem.

    So If I have for example:

    Main Shop page -> Category A -> Subcategory A -> Subcategory B

    The following will be shown on the breadcrumb:

    Main Shop page -> Subcategory B

    Then I also noticed that if Subcategory B (the opened category) has the same name as another subcategory under a different category / tree, the facet filter will mix them together. Probably due to the same situation above.

    4 years, 4 months ago #19772

    Can you tell me the url concerned?

    4 years, 4 months ago #19774

    Here for example (I used tiny url to post here):

    4 years, 4 months ago #19776

    I can see breadcrumbs “HOME / SHOPE / BC BRAKES”. Is that not expected?

    4 years, 4 months ago #19777

    If you test out the filters, you will see how it will also mix together the subcategory in the results if it is the same name. In this case of the link above, subcategory “EBC”.

    For example, the link above is for Brake discs of brand “EBC”.

    But I also have the same name “EBC” under a different category tree.


    Category A -> Subcategory A -> Subcategory B (“EBC”)

    Will be mixed together with:

    Category A -> Subcategory X -> Subcategory Y (“EBC”)

    I belieive, this happens because the category tree is missing in the breadcrumbs. As the first category is shown with the last subcategory (missing all that is between), all subcategories (the opened page) that have the same name will be mixed in the results.

    4 years, 4 months ago #19779

    Replying to your last question… it should be:

    HOME / SHOP / Travao / Discos / EBC Brakes

    I somewhat explained it above in my previous reply.

    Anything between /SHOP/ and the last opened active subcategory will be missing.

    4 years, 4 months ago #19787

    WPSOLR does not deal with your theme’s breadcrumbs. Do you see the same problem if you deactivate WPSOLR?

    4 years, 4 months ago #19788

    If I deactivate the Woocommerce extension, breadcrumbs work ok.

    But I can’t do that right now, website is live and that would remove our filtering.

    Before I used WPSOLR only for the search.

    In the last week we have now passed on to using WPSOLR with your Woocommerce categories extension and for the filtering as well. So I am trying to make it work perfect.

    We used to use before a diferent plugin for filtering the products in the categories which did queries through MYSQL… which for our shop was no longer scaling to our needs due to the obvious reasons. Breadcrumbs worked well with that filter plugin (X for WooCommerce) and I had to do no changes, but I believe plugin developer had some specific settings / code built in there plugin to support the Kallyas theme correctly (as well as for many other popular themes).

    4 years, 4 months ago #19789

    I understand now.

    In theory WPSOLR should only modify the main query (the one used for listing the categories), leaving custom queries untouched (like the one for breadcrumbs).

    I suggest to deactivate breadcrumbs at the moment, or perhaps use some other breadcrumbs plugin instead. I will not be able to fix that soon unfortunately.

    4 years, 4 months ago #19790

    Ok, I will wait for the fix. If some kind of payment is needed to accelerate the process, let me know.

    4 years ago #21565

    Any update on this situation ?

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