Are WPSOLR and Flatsome theme compatible ?
- pseudo visitorParticipant6 years, 1 month ago #6907
Do your search plugin support searching by product images as well as on mobile applications ?
Do your search plugins support arabic search ?
Do your plugin compatible with my Flatsome Woocommerce theme style ?
wpsolrKeymaster6 years, 1 month ago #6908searching by product images
What would do you expect exactly ?
on mobile applications
You can test this 500K products e-commerce powered with WPSOLR:
Do your search plugins support arabic results
WPSOLR uses Solr or Elasticsearch. Both support languages specific settings.
even if I do some customizations on your plugin to allow me get the same results
Concerning RTL, the plugin does not deal with it explicitly. I do not know what category hierarchies will look like.
We can troubleshoot it together. I’ll integrate eventual fixes to the core.Do your plugin compatible with my Flatsome Woocommerce theme style
Yes, Flatsome being a general purpose WooCommerce theme.
wpsolrKeymaster4 years, 4 months ago #20235We created several Flatsome live demo with Elasticsearch:
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