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Elasticsearch alternatives for WooCommerce


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WooCommerce is a popular e-commerce platform that runs on WordPress. However, when it comes to search functionality, WooCommerce comes with its own built-in search functionality. But this search functionality is not always enough. Often, store owners face issues with search performance, relevancy, and scalability when the store has a large number of products. Elasticsearch, a search engine based on Lucene, could be the solution for such issues.

Elasticsearch can help to optimize search performance, relevancy, and scalability. It provides full-text search, document-oriented storage, and real-time distributed search and analytics. However, Elasticsearch is not the only solution available in the market, so let’s take a look at some Elasticsearch alternatives for WooCommerce.

Elasticsearch Alternatives


Algolia is a cloud-based search engine that provides a fast and relevant search experience for users. It offers real-time indexing and a customizable search experience. Algolia provides a RESTful API for WooCommerce, which makes it easy to integrate with the platform. Algolia also offers a set of features such as personalized search, typo tolerance, and filters that make it an ideal search engine for e-commerce stores.

Amazon CloudSearch

Amazon CloudSearch is a scalable search engine that is fully managed by AWS. It provides features such as full-text search, customizable relevance ranking, and faceted search. AWS CloudSearch allows you to create a search index, which can be populated by data from your WooCommerce store. It also offers an API to integrate CloudSearch with your WooCommerce store.

Sphinx Search

Sphinx Search is a full-text search engine that is open-source and provides high-performance search functionality. Sphinx Search offers features such as full-text search, phrase-based search, and distributed indexing. Sphinx Search can be integrated with WooCommerce using the SphinxSE storage engine. SphinxSE allows Sphinx to index and search data stored in MySQL tables, which makes it an ideal solution for WooCommerce stores.

Along with these alternatives, there are many other search engines available such as Solr, SearchBlox, and more.

Using WPSOLR for Elasticsearch Integration

One way to integrate Elasticsearch with WooCommerce is to use a plugin called WPSOLR. WPSOLR provides a way to configure Elasticsearch with your WooCommerce store. It allows you to customize the search experience by adding features such as autocomplete, facets, typo tolerance, and more.

With WPSOLR, you can easily create an Elasticsearch search engine with your product data. It also supports advanced features such as synonym handling, search filters, and search weighting. Integrating WPSOLR with Elasticsearch creates a robust search solution for your WooCommerce store.

// Example code for WPSOLR integration with Elasticsearch

// Install Elasticsearch
// Install the WPSOLR plugin

// Connect WPSOLR to your Elasticsearch cluster
add_filter('wpsolr_index_engine', function($index_engine) {
   $index_engine = new WPSOLR_Index_Engine_Elasticsearch();

       'servers' => [
             'host' => 'localhost',
             'port' => 9200,
             'scheme' => 'https',
           // ...
       'index_name' => 'my-woo-store',

   return $index_engine;

// Index product data to Elasticsearch
add_action('save_post_product', function($post_id, $post, $update) {
    $index_engine = wpsolr_get_index_engine();
    $product_data = [
        'id' => $post_id,
        'name' => get_the_title($post_id),
        'description' => get_post_field('post_excerpt', $post_id),
        'sku' => get_post_meta($post_id, '_sku', true),
}, 10, 3);


Elasticsearch can be a game-changer when it comes to search functionality for your WooCommerce store. However, it’s not the only search engine available. Algolia, Amazon CloudSearch, Sphinx Search, and other alternatives provide similar functionality. By choosing the right search engine and integrating it properly with your store, you can create a faster, more relevant, and scalable search solution. Use a plugin like WPSOLR to make the integration process easier and create a better search experience for your customers.

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