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Woocommerce Orders guides for WordPress & WooCommerce

Multi-modal WooCommerce search: Elasticsearch orders + Weaviate Cohere products + Weaviate CLIP media.

— Current solution — Just finished upgrading a WooCommerce client, who already had a front-end products multi-lingual Weaviate + Cohere search, and also a 200,000 orders/coupons Elasticsearch admin search. — Needs — The client’s team had troubles searching in thousands of unlabelled media images. — New solution — After upgrading the Weaviate Kubernetes cluster to enable the CLIP module, we indexed the thousands of images. This was relatively fast, on CPUs. — Results — Now the team can search images from their content, rather than from titles and captions. This was done thanks to the WPSOLR “views”, each setup with a dedicated index. WPSOLR + Weaviate + Cohere + CLIP: https://wpsolr.com #search #clip #cohere #weaviate #woocommerce