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Can’t afford #Elasticsearch hosting for your WordPress or WooCommerce?


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Well, here is a good trick to get it for free 😎

1) Activate your free local Elasticsearch on your Cloudways WordPress application: https://lnkd.in/dibD-6UQ (the trick is to be hosted on Cloudways)

2) Install the free WPSOLR plugin: https://lnkd.in/dFueA7QY

3) Configure WPSOLR to create a local Elasticsearch index: https://lnkd.in/dX4jJDrM

That’s it. You now get your first-class search experience, without breaking the bank. And it’s free, even with millions of visitors, posts, or products.

And if Cloudways, in a near future, also pre-installs other search engines like Weaviate or Vespa.ai, you will be able to use their awesome semantic search capabilities for free too.

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