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Using Weaviate to power your WooCommerce store’s checkout process


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When it comes to running an e-commerce store, the checkout process plays a vital role in converting visitors into customers. By providing a seamless and user-friendly checkout flow, you can significantly increase your conversion rate and improve customer satisfaction. One emerging technology that can help enhance the checkout process is Weaviate, an open-source knowledge graph built with machine learning capabilities. In this post, we will explore how you can utilize Weaviate to power your WooCommerce store’s checkout process and improve the overall user experience.


Using Weaviate with WooCommerce

To integrate Weaviate with your WooCommerce store, you will need to leverage the Weaviate PHP client to interact with the Weaviate API. The Weaviate PHP client provides a set of functions and classes to communicate with Weaviate and perform various operations such as searching, creating, and updating objects. Let’s dive into some code examples to demonstrate how you can utilize Weaviate in your WooCommerce store’s checkout process.

Example 1: Searching for a Product:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Weaviate\Client;

$weaviate = new Client('https://localhost:8080');

$query = '
    "query": {
      "should": [
          "properties": [
              "dataType": "string",
              "name": "name",
              "value": "iPhone"

$response = $weaviate->graphql()->query($query);
$searchResult = $response->getAsArray();

if (!empty($searchResult['data']['Get']['Things'])) {
  // Perform necessary actions with the search result

In the above example, we demonstrate how to search for a product using the Weaviate PHP client. We specify the query to look for products with the name “iPhone.” The response contains the search results, which you can further process and utilize in your checkout process.

Example 2: Creating an Order:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Weaviate\Client;

$weaviate = new Client('https://localhost:8080');

$orderData = array(
  'total' => 99.99,
  'productId' => '123456',
  // other order data...

$response = $weaviate->rest()->create('orders', $orderData);
$createdOrder = $response->getData();

if (!empty($createdOrder['id'])) {
  // Perform necessary actions with the created order

In this example, we showcase how to create an order using the Weaviate PHP client. We provide the necessary order data, such as the total amount and the associated product ID. The response contains the newly created order, which you can process and use to finalize the checkout process.


WPSOLR’s Role in Enhancing Weaviate Integration

While Weaviate provides a powerful platform for leveraging knowledge graphs and machine learning, integrating it into your WooCommerce store can still present some challenges. This is where WPSOLR, an advanced search plugin for WordPress, can help enhance your Weaviate integration.

By using WPSOLR, you can benefit from additional features and functionalities that are specifically designed for improving search experiences in WooCommerce stores. WPSOLR seamlessly integrates with Weaviate, allowing you to harness the power of Weaviate’s advanced search capabilities while enhancing the overall search functionality of your store.



By utilizing Weaviate to power your WooCommerce store’s checkout process, you can significantly enhance the user experience and improve conversions. With its machine learning capabilities and powerful search functionalities, Weaviate enables you to provide users with relevant product recommendations, streamline the checkout flow, and ultimately boost your e-commerce success. By leveraging the Weaviate PHP client and integrating it with WPSOLR, you can further enhance your Weaviate integration and unlock even more possibilities for your WooCommerce store.

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