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How to configure WooCommerce Elasticsearch


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WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce platform that is used by businesses of all sizes. One of the most important aspects of any eCommerce store is its search functionality. It is essential that customers can easily find the products they are looking for and that the search results are accurate and relevant. This is where Elasticsearch comes in. Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine that is designed for large-scale data search and analysis. In this post, we will discuss how to configure Elasticsearch for WooCommerce and how to use the PHP client to interact with Elasticsearch.

Configuring Elasticsearch for WooCommerce

Before we dive into the code, let’s first discuss how to configure Elasticsearch for use with WooCommerce. The first step is to install and activate the Elasticsearch plugin for WooCommerce. This plugin is available for free on the WordPress plugin repository and can be installed from the WooCommerce dashboard plugins page.

Once you have installed and activated the Elasticsearch plugin, you will need to configure it. This can be done by clicking on the WooCommerce > Settings > Elasticsearch tab. Here, you will need to enter the Elasticsearch server details, including the hostname, port, and index name.

Next, you will need to configure the Elasticsearch mappings. The mappings define the structure of your data in Elasticsearch. You can define the mappings by clicking on the Configure Mappings button on the Elasticsearch settings page. Here, you will need to define the fields that you want to be searchable in your WooCommerce store.

Using the PHP Client to Interact with Elasticsearch

Now that we have Elasticsearch configured for use with WooCommerce, let’s discuss how to use the PHP client to interact with Elasticsearch. The PHP client for Elasticsearch is called Elasticsearch-PHP and is available on GitHub.

To install Elasticsearch-PHP, you can use Composer. Once you have installed Elasticsearch-PHP, you can use it to perform various operations on your Elasticsearch index. Here is an example of how to use Elasticsearch-PHP to search for products in your WooCommerce store:

use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;

$client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();

$params = [
 'index' => 'woocommerce',
 'type' => 'product',
 'body' => [
  'query' => [
   'match' => [
    'name' => 'blue shirt'

$response = $client->search($params);

In this example, we are searching for products with the name “blue shirt” in the WooCommerce index.

How WPSOLR Can Help

While Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine, configuring it for use with WooCommerce can be a bit challenging. That’s where WPSOLR comes in. WPSOLR is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to configure Elasticsearch for use with WooCommerce (as well as other WordPress sites).

With WPSOLR, you can easily configure Elasticsearch mappings, manage synonyms, and more. Plus, WPSOLR offers advanced searching options like fuzzy searching and phonetic searching, which can help improve the accuracy of your search results.


In this post, we discussed how to configure Elasticsearch for use with WooCommerce and how to use the PHP client to interact with Elasticsearch. We also discussed how WPSOLR can help simplify the configuration process. With these tools, you can create a powerful, accurate, and relevant search experience for your customers.

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