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WPSOLR 22.5 will integrate the Google Retail API

Google Cloud for retail

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Your dream comes true, as #WPSOLR 22.5 will integrate the Google Retail API !

We always wanted to integrate Google search, but until now the right conditions were not spot on.

But with the recent announcement of the Google #retail API fusioning with the Google Recommendation AI API, everything seems to click perfectly https://cloud.google.com/solutions/retail-product-discovery

Just look at the features, under a single integrated API:

– Power your WooCommerce with Google-quality #search, including filtering, faceting and boosting

#personalized #search and #recommendations, based on #machinelearning models

#multimodal #search for #products with an image thanks to Google Vision AI

– Relevant #recommendations at scale with Recommandation AI at any scale

Feel free to describe your requirements in comments, or create a new feature request at https://www.wpsolr.com/forums/forum/technical-configuration-issues/new-features-requests/

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