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  • khirasaki
    1 year, 4 months ago in reply to: WPSOLR PRO and Buddyboss Learndash theme #32044

    I don’t know if this is a possible lead, but I was trying to see if the problem could be related to WPSOLR overriding the WP_Query function, that seems to be at the root of what’s happening — an ajax call that perhaps is getting interpreted differently because of the routines in the file class-wpsolr-plugin-ajax-search-pro.php.
    Could that be the case? It appears the primary call is originating in learndash-helper.php in the buddyboss-theme- theme.


    In the special case I’m using it for, I’m not currently using it for my sitewide search template; that’s being handled separately.

    I’m using it in a specific and narrow way to present results from a list of custom-type posts, “Research Articles,” that I have created on the site.

    After some more work, I now have the content area more consistently populating once someone has made a specific search filter query (I will continue hacking at that, as I want to figure out how to surface the list of matching tags in p_content).

    My bigger open question at this point is around how I can pull data from an ACF field and inject it in the search results pmeta. I’ve modified the result.twig file, but I don’t know what function I should be calling from class-wpsolr-abstractsearchclient.php to retrieve ACF fields from the $document. Any quick advice there?

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