Forum Replies Created

  • duck
    1 year, 10 months ago in reply to: Can’t Deactivate/Reactivate License #29729

    I need the license removed for, we had to restore a backup that was before adding the license and now we can no longer deactivate, ty.

    1 year, 11 months ago in reply to: Selecting Multiple Facets Issue with cross-domain #29649

    The “Do not use other items selections to calculate the items count” option on the facet tag is what worked. I set that on all 3 subsites and now the OR functions as expected across the cross-domain search. I did not test your second question since the first question seems to have solved the issue.

    Moving forward, in order for cross domain search facets to function properly:
    – No Hierarchy taxonomy is allowed
    – Select Do not use other items selections to calculate the items count

    This can be marked solved! Thank you for helping me work through the setup. Some additional notes/documentation would be helpful for others that are attempting to setup multiple subsite facets.

    1 year, 11 months ago in reply to: Selecting Multiple Facets Issue with cross-domain #29645

    The options in 2.4 are the same on all sites for search_property with:
    OR selected & Sort Alphabetically

    1 year, 11 months ago in reply to: Selecting Multiple Facets Issue with cross-domain #29644

    Subsite: Financial Aid (45)
    Root site: General Information (3)
    Root site: Resources (2)
    Subsite: Ross IT (123)
    Root site: Tools (1)

    Any time I select one of the flat level root site taxonomy terms, those 3 stay intact with OR and the Subsite facets disappear. Any time I select one of the subsite facets, all others disappear.

    1 year, 11 months ago in reply to: Selecting Multiple Facets Issue with cross-domain #29643

    Sorry, forgot to mention I tried to use hierarchy because it had the same behavior with or without. Here are the new settings that are set on each taxonomy in both subsites and the root site taxonomy, saved, re-indexed, still the same behavior:

    name: search_property
    label: Search Properties
    singular_label: Search Property
    description: “”
    public: true
    publicly_queryable: true
    hierarchical: false
    show_ui: true
    show_in_menu: true
    show_in_nav_menus: true
    query_var: true
    query_var_slug: “”
    rewrite: true
    rewrite_slug: “”
    rewrite_withfront: true
    rewrite_hierarchical: false
    show_admin_column: false
    show_in_rest: true
    show_tagcloud: false
    sort: false
    show_in_quick_edit: true
    rest_base: “”
    rest_controller_class: “”
    meta_box_cb: “”
    default_term: “”

    1 year, 11 months ago in reply to: Selecting Multiple Facets Issue with cross-domain #29641

    It is a taxonomy created through CPT UI attached to all posts & pages, these are the settings:

    name: search_property
    label: Search Properties
    singular_label: Search Property
    description: “”
    public: true
    publicly_queryable: true
    hierarchical: true
    show_ui: true
    show_in_menu: true
    show_in_nav_menus: true
    query_var: true
    query_var_slug: “”
    rewrite: true
    rewrite_slug: “”
    rewrite_withfront: true
    rewrite_hierarchical: true
    show_admin_column: true
    show_in_rest: true
    show_tagcloud: false
    sort: false
    show_in_quick_edit: true
    rest_base: “”
    rest_controller_class: “”
    meta_box_cb: “”
    default_term: “”

    I have the same taxonomy setup on the root & 2 subsites and the taxonomy shows up for each in the facets. The root site has 3 terms, each subsite 1 single term, labeled as the subsite.

    1 year, 11 months ago in reply to: Selecting Multiple Facets Issue with cross-domain #29635

    I now have a custom taxonomy setup on the root site and 1 subsite and have the custom taxonomy showing on the facets, however, I am still running into a similar issue. I have 3 different taxonomy terms on the root site and 1 taxonomy term on the subsite. When selecting any of the 3 facets on the root site the OR works as expected and the facets stay visible for multiple selections, however, on the subsite facet it disappears when I select any of the other 3 or vice versa. When I select the single facet from the subsite the other facets disappear or if I select one of the 3 from the root site the subsite facet taxonomy term disappears. Is there a setting I am missing on the root or subsite in order to make the OR function across subsites?


    That would have been great info to have when I explained I was using categories in my second post on this thread!

    You mentioned using a custom taxonomy for displaying subsites as facets. Will I be able to select multiple facets from a custom taxonomy using OR to combine facet selections or do I need to use tags in order to select multiple facets from different subsites? Just trying to sort out the next steps I need to take before I end up down another dead end road.


    OR is selected on both Type & Categories.


    I posted login credentials to this new multisite instance on staging on the private trello board. Maybe you can take a look at my settings and see if I am doing something wrong to break this functionality.


    Second Site & Site One are a category each on their respective subsite.


    I created an entirely new multisite instance, installed just WP Solr, FakerPress to generate content & Code Snippets to easily add categories to pages on all subsites, nothing else. Connected it back to the new OpenSolr instance with Solr 8. Everything was working up until the point I added a main category on two of the 4 subsites and assigned all pages to those main categories for 2 subsites. Once I tried to filter on both facets, same problem, no results found.


    Same problem after switching over to OpenSolr using Solr v8, latest query results:

    [15-Apr-2022 16:48:38 UTC] WPSOLR Log query =>
    Url: “/search/?wpsolr_sort=sort_by_relevancy_desc&wpsolr_fq%5B0%5D=categories%3AFinancial%20Aid&wpsolr_fq%5B1%5D=categories%3AHospitality”
    Index: “rossweb”
    Nb results shown: 0
    Total nb results: 0
    Speed: 1025 ms
    Query: {
    “options”: {
    “handler”: “select”,
    “resultclass”: “Solarium\\QueryType\\Select\\Result\\Result”,
    “documentclass”: “Solarium\\QueryType\\Select\\Result\\Document”,
    “query”: “(*)”,
    “start”: 0,
    “rows”: 25,
    “fields”: “*,score”,
    “omitheader”: true,
    “querydefaultoperator”: “AND”
    “query”: “(*)”,
    “highlighting”: [],
    “sorts”: [],
    “grouping”: {
    “fields”: [],
    “options”: {
    “resultquerygroupclass”: “Solarium\\Component\\Result\\Grouping\\QueryGroup”,
    “resultvaluegroupclass”: “Solarium\\Component\\Result\\Grouping\\ValueGroup”
    “fields”: [
    “facets”: {
    “categories_str”: {
    “type”: “field”,
    “excludes”: [
    “filters”: {
    “authorized indexed types”: {
    “query”: “type:(\”post\” OR \”page\”)”,
    “tags”: [
    “bad_statuses”: {
    “query”: “-post_status_s:(\”draft\” OR \”pending\” OR \”trash\” OR \”future\” OR \”private\” OR \”auto-draft\”)”,
    “tags”: []
    “categories_str:\”Financial Aid\””: {
    “query”: “categories_str:\”Financial\\ Aid\””,
    “tags”: [
    “categories_str:\”Hospitality\””: {
    “query”: “categories_str:\”Hospitality\””,
    “tags”: [
    “front-end exclusion 1”: {
    “query”: “(*:* -is_excluded_s:[* TO *]) OR is_excluded_s:(n)”,
    “tags”: []
    Results: {
    “response”: {
    “numFound”: 0,
    “start”: 0,
    “numFoundExact”: true,
    “docs”: []
    “facet_counts”: {
    “facet_queries”: [],
    “facet_fields”: {
    “categories_str”: [
    “Department Information”,
    “Financial Aid”,
    “Ross IT”,
    “facet_ranges”: [],
    “facet_intervals”: [],
    “facet_heatmaps”: []


    I signed up again with a new free trial through Open Solr, had already signed up ages ago so had to do a new account. I will give it a try with Solr v8 and see if I run into the same issues.


    Would the option under tab 0 “Click to generate a free index to test WPSOLR” allow me to use the cross-domain feature to run another test on a newer version of Solr to see if the multiple facets will work?

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