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Feature highlight : WordPress multisite search

Wordpress multisite search

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WordPress offers a unique feature in that it can support multiple virtual websites in one single WordPress installation. They can all share ressources like plugins or themes. But what if you wanted all your websites to share the same search.


You can now using WPSolr.


Add multisite search to your WordPress


Learn how you enable cross-site search for your WordPress websites using WPSolr.


WPSolr is a WordPress search and recommendations plugin. Using it, you can equip any WordPress & Woocommerce website with keyword search, AI search, personalized search and even RAG.

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Personal playlist of Youtube tutorials for Sentence transformers from my journey to add automated fine-tuning to WooCommerce with Weaviate and Metarank Labs: https://lnkd.in/eRHshF_E Sentence transformers produce new embeddings from BERT embeddings