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10 best practices for using Apache Solr with WooCommerce


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Apache Solr is a powerful search engine that can be used to enhance the search functionality of WordPress sites. If you are using WooCommerce, then implementing Apache Solr can improve the search experience for your customers, by displaying more relevant results in less time. However, as with any technology, there are some best practices that you should follow to ensure that you are getting the most out of it. In this post, we will discuss the top 10 best practices for using Apache Solr with WooCommerce.

1. Use the latest version of Apache Solr

Apache Solr provides regular updates which includes bug fixes, security patches, performance improvements, and new features. Therefore, using the latest version of Apache Solr is essential to ensure optimal performance.

2. Optimize the Solr schema for WooCommerce

WooCommerce products have a specific set of data fields, and to ensure optimal search performance, the schema should be optimized for the WooCommerce data structure. For example, if you have a product with variations, you may want to index each variant separately rather than just the parent product.

3. Use appropriate filters and facets

Filters and facets are essential to provide a good search experience. It helps the customer to narrow down their search results based on attributes such as price, color, brand, and more.

Here is an example of filtering products based on price range:

<br />
$solr = new SolrClient(array(<br />
 'hostname' => 'localhost',<br />
 'port' => 8983,<br />
 'path' => '/solr',<br />
));<br />
$query = new SolrQuery('*:*');<br />
$query->addFilterQuery('price:[50 TO 100]');<br />
$resultset = $solr->query($query);<br />

4. Use appropriate synonyms

Using synonyms can help improve the search experience by expanding the search results when a customer uses a different terminology for the same item. For example, if the customer searches for “soda,” the search should also return results for “soft drinks” and “pop.”

5. Use “More Like This” Feature

The “More Like This” feature in Solr determines similar products to the one currently being viewed, based on factors such as attributes, category, and price. This feature can be used to recommend products, cross-sell, and up-sell.

<br />
$solr = new SolrClient(array(<br />
 'hostname' => 'localhost',<br />
 'port' => 8983,<br />
 'path' => '/solr',<br />
));<br />
$query = new SolrQuery('id:1234');<br />
$query->setMlt(true);<br />
$query->setMltFields('title, description, features');<br />
$resultset = $solr->query($query);<br />

6. Use geospatial search for store locator

Using geospatial search, you can allow customers to search for a store nearby based on their current location. You can implement this feature using Apache Solr’s Spatial Search feature, which allows the search to be narrowed by distance and location.

<br />
$solr = new SolrClient(array(<br />
 'hostname' => 'localhost',<br />
 'port' => 8983,<br />
 'path' => '/solr',<br />
));<br />
$query = new SolrQuery('*:*');<br />
$query->addFilterQuery('{!geofilt sfield=store_location}');<br />
$query->addParam('pt', '42.3645,-71.1026');<br />
$query->addParam('d', '5');<br />
$resultset = $solr->query($query);<br />

7. Use partial text search

Partial text search can help customers to find what they are looking for even if they misspell something or leave out a word. The Ngram filter in Solr is used to achieve this functionality.

8. Use fuzzy search

The fuzzy search feature in Solr can be used to search for similar words. This helps to overcome the customer’s typing mistakes, different spellings, and synonyms.

9. Use search result highlighting

Highlighting shows the search term in the search result, making it easy for customers to find the relevant information. By using the highlighting feature, you can make the search results more user-friendly.

10. Cache your search results

Caching the search results can significantly improve the performance of your website. Caching should be done on both the Solr side and the client side. On the Solr side, caching can be enabled using Solr’s built-in caching mechanism. On the client side, you can use WordPress cache plugins to cache the search results.

How WPSOLR can help

WPSOLR is a WordPress web plugin that connects WordPress sites with Apache Solr in minutes, without any coding requirements. WPSOLR is compatible with WooCommerce and can provide a comprehensive search solution by implementing all the best practices discussed above.


Using Apache Solr with WooCommerce can enhance the search functionality of your online store and provide a better user experience to your customers. By following the best practices mentioned above, you can ensure that your search engine performs optimally and your customers can find what they are looking for effortlessly. With the help of WPSOLR, you can easily implement these best practices and provide an excellent search experience to your online store’s customers.

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