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How to optimize Algolia search results for your WooCommerce store


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Algolia is a powerful search engine that provides an optimized search experience to the users. It is widely used with WooCommerce stores to enhance the search functionality of the e-commerce website. Algolia offers a highly customizable search platform that can help you to create and optimize search results for your WooCommerce store. In this post, we will discuss how to optimize Algolia search results for your WooCommerce store with some PHP codes that you can easily integrate into your website.

Optimizing Algolia Search Results for your WooCommerce Store

Algolia provides extensive documentation with examples that assist developers in optimizing search results for their WooCommerce store. We will cover the most important ones.

1. Create a Custom Index

Algolia uses indexes to store the data and manage the search functionality of your WooCommerce store. You can create your custom index by modifying the default configuration of the Algolia search engine.

Here is an example of how to create an index with PHP client:

$index = $client->initIndex('my_custom_index');

  'searchableAttributes' => [
  'customRanking' => [

In the above code, we are creating a custom index that sets the searchable attributes as name, description, categories, tags, and price, and the custom ranking as descending order for sales and price.

2. Configure Searchable Attributes

Algolia offers multiple ways to configure searchable attributes that determine the search fields in which Algolia should search for the query terms.

Here is an example of configuring searchable attributes with PHP client:

   'searchableAttributes' => [

The above code sets the searchable attributes as name, description, categories, tags, and price. You can configure the searchable attributes according to your WooCommerce store and requirements.

3. Set Custom Ranking

Algolia allows you to customize search ranking based on your e-commerce business requirements to better match the users’ queries.

Here is an example of setting custom ranking with PHP client:

  'customRanking' => [

The above code sets the custom ranking as a descending order for sales and price. You can customize the ranking rules according to your WooCommerce store requirements.

4. Configure Faceting

Faceted search is one of the features of Algolia that allows users to filter their search results based on certain attributes such as categories and tags.

Here is an example of configuring faceting with PHP client:

  'attributesForFaceting' => [

The above code set the attributes for faceting as categories and tags. You can configure the faceting attributes according to your WooCommerce store needs.

How WPSOLR Can Help?

WPSOLR is a powerful plugin designed to enhance the search functionality of WooCommerce stores with Algolia. The plugin makes the search experience more user-friendly and efficient by optimizing search results and adding many additional functionalities.

WPSOLR provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to configure Algolia search with ease. You can customize Algolia settings directly from the WordPress admin panel without editing any code.

Additionally, WPSOLR offers many features such as semantic search, typo tolerance, and synonyms that enhance the search functionality of your WooCommerce store.


Optimizing Algolia search results for your WooCommerce store can be done with little effort and great results. Algolia offers extensive documentation and examples that allow developers to tailor the search functionality according to their WooCommerce store needs. Additionally, WPSOLR can be used to enhance the search experience in less time and with more convenience. By applying the proper optimization techniques and utilizing Algolia and WPSOLR, you can provide an exceptional search experience that enhances the user experience of your WooCommerce store.

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