At #wpsolr, we’ve been asked many times to add personalization and recommendations to our existing search engines.
Like Algolia or Google Retail.
Or to our planned new engines.
Like Recombee and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Personalize.
It is not an easy task, as it requires a different kind of events ingestion for each engine.
But above all, it implies storing and sending some kind of user session.
And, to be honest, we stalled on that part.
Do we use:
– Google analytics javascript pixels API?
– Google Tag manager
– Engine’s delivered javascript pixels API?
– Engine’s delivered backend event API?
We started the integration, then stopped, then restarted.
But User Privacy has now become such a big deal, and will never disappear, on the contrary.
How can we be sure User data remains private, with so many integration APIs?
We come to the conclusion that the only solution on the long run was to use the engines’s backend APIs coupled to a first-party cookie on our own.
Our DIY solution therefore is:
– An internal first-party cookie that guarantees a long-term compatibility with all browsers
– The backend APIs guarantees that we control 100% of what is sent or not sent
What do you think?
More informations on #wpsolr:
#search #recommendersystems #cookie #gdprcompliance #dataprivacy