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An in-depth tutorial on building faceted search using React and Redux


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Faceted search is a popular search technique that uses filters to allow users to narrow down search results based on their preferences. With its ability to provide sophisticated filtering options, faceted search has become widely used by e-commerce websites, online marketplaces, and other websites with large product catalogs. React and Redux, two popular JavaScript frameworks, make it easy to create faceted search interfaces that are fast and responsive.

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to build a faceted search interface using React and Redux. We will start by explaining the basic concepts behind faceted search and how it works. Then we will cover how to implement a faceted search interface in React using Redux to manage state.

What is Faceted Search?

Faceted search, also known as faceted navigation, is a search technique that uses filters to narrow down search results based on user preferences. Faceted search is commonly used in e-commerce websites, online marketplaces, and other websites with large product catalogs.

Faceted search works by providing a set of filters that users can apply to narrow down search results. Filters can be based on various attributes of the data, such as category, price range, color, size, and more. Users can select one or more filters to apply to their search, and the search results will be updated based on the selected filters.

Faceted search is beneficial for both users and website owners. Users can easily refine their search results and find the products they are looking for without having to search through a large number of irrelevant search results. Website owners can provide a more personalized user experience, increase engagement, and boost sales.

Implementing Faceted Search in React and Redux

React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, and Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. Together, they provide an easy-to-use framework for building complex user interfaces. In this tutorial, we will use React and Redux to build a faceted search interface.

We will use a simple example of a product catalog to demonstrate how to implement faceted search using React and Redux. The product catalog contains a list of products with various attributes, such as category, price, and color. We will create filters based on these attributes and allow users to select one or more filters to refine their search results.

To implement faceted search in React and Redux, we will use the following steps:

1. Define the initial state of the application
2. Create a component for the filter sidebar
3. Create a component for the product list
4. Create actions and reducers to manage the state of the application
5. Connect the components to Redux store

Step 1: Define the initial state of the application

We will define the initial state of the application as an object that contains the following properties:

    1. products: A list of all products in the product catalog


    1. filteredProducts: A list of products that match the applied filters


    1. categories: An array of all categories in the product catalog


    1. prices: An object that contains the minimum and maximum prices in the product catalog


    1. colors: An array of all colors in the product catalog


    1. selectedCategory: The currently selected category filter


    1. selectedPrice: The currently selected price range filter


    1. selectedColors: An array of currently selected color filters


Here is an example of how to define the initial state of the application:

const initialState = {
  products: [...],
  filteredProducts: [...],
  categories: [...],
  prices: {...},
  colors: [...],
  selectedCategory: null,
  selectedPrice: null,
  selectedColors: [],


Step 2: Create a component for the filter sidebar

We will create a FilterSidebar component that displays all the available filters and allows users to select one or more filters to narrow down the search results. The FilterSidebar component will receive the initial state and the actions to apply filters as props.

const FilterSidebar = ({state, onCategoryChange, onPriceChange, onColorChange}) => {
  const {categories, prices, colors, selectedCategory, selectedPrice, selectedColors} = state;
  return (

 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">
<ul>{ => (</ul>
 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">
checked={selectedCategory === category}

<h3>Price Range</h3>
 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">
<ul>{Object.entries(prices).map(([name, value]) => (</ul>
 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">
checked={selectedPrice === value}

 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">
<ul>{ => (</ul>
 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">




Step 3: Create a component for the product list

We will create a ProductList component that displays the list of products based on the applied filters. The ProductList component will receive the filteredProducts array as props.

const ProductList = ({products}) => {
  return (
 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">
<ul>{ => (</ul>
 	<li style="list-style-type: none;">

Category: {product.category}


Price: {product.price}


Color: {product.color}



Step 4: Create actions and reducers to manage the state of the application

We will create Redux actions and reducers to manage the state of the application. We will create actions to apply filters and reducers to update the state based on the applied filters.


const applyCategoryFilter = (category) => ({type: APPLY_CATEGORY_FILTER, category});
const applyPriceFilter = (priceRange) => ({type: APPLY_PRICE_FILTER, priceRange});
const applyColorFilter = (color) => ({type: APPLY_COLOR_FILTER, color});

const rootReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        selectedCategory: action.category,
        selectedPrice: null,
        selectedColors: [],
        filteredProducts: state.products.filter(product => product.category === action.category),
      return {
        selectedCategory: null,
        selectedPrice: action.priceRange,
        selectedColors: [],
        filteredProducts: state.products.filter(product => (
          product.price >= action.priceRange.min && product.price <= action.priceRange.max
      const selectedColors = state.selectedColors.includes(action.color)
        ? state.selectedColors.filter(color => color !== action.color)
        : [...state.selectedColors, action.color];
      let filteredProducts = state.products;
      if (state.selectedCategory) {
        filteredProducts = filteredProducts.filter(product => product.category === state.selectedCategory);
      if (state.selectedPrice) {
        filteredProducts = filteredProducts.filter(product => (
          product.price >= state.selectedPrice.min && product.price <= state.selectedPrice.max
      filteredProducts = filteredProducts.filter(product => selectedColors.includes(product.color));
      return {
      return state;


Step 5: Connect the components to Redux store

We will use the React-Redux library to connect our components to the Redux store. We will use the connect function to create two containers: one for the FilterSidebar component and one for the ProductList component.

import {createStore} from 'redux';
import {Provider, connect} from 'react-redux';

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

const mapStateToProps = state => ({state});

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  onCategoryChange: e => dispatch(applyCategoryFilter(,
  onPriceChange: e => {
    const {min, max} = state.prices[];
    dispatch(applyPriceFilter({min, max}));
  onColorChange: e => dispatch(applyColorFilter(,

const FilterSidebarContainer = connect(

const ProductListContainer = connect(
  state => ({products: state.filteredProducts}),

const App = () => (


How WPSOLR can help

WPSOLR is a WordPress plugin that provides advanced search capabilities to WordPress websites. With WPSOLR, website owners can easily implement faceted search on their WordPress websites using Solr, a powerful search engine. WPSOLR provides several tools and features that make it easy to create advanced search interfaces, such as:

    1. Facet widgets: WPSOLR provides several predefined facet widgets that can be easily added to the search interface, such as checkboxes, radio buttons, range sliders, and more.


    1. Integration with popular plugins: WPSOLR integrates with popular WordPress plugins, such as WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, to provide seamless faceted search for e-commerce websites.


    1. Full Search analytics: WPSOLR provides advanced search analytics that allow website owners to track user behavior and find insights into how users are searching for content on their website.



Faceted search is an essential search technique for any large website with a large volume of content. React and Redux provide an easy-to-use framework for building complex faceted search interfaces that are fast and responsive. With the help of WPSOLR, WordPress website owners can easily implement faceted search on their websites and provide a more personalized user experience to their users.

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