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1 year, 7 months ago #30869

The following code in your functions.php should filter out your products without a price from indexing.
Delete the content of your index to remove current indexed products with no price, then reindex.


use wpsolr\core\classes\WPSOLR_Events;

 * Modify the SQL query that retrieves all post types to be indexed, to remove products with some condition on _price
	function ( $sql_statements, $parameters ) {
		global $wpdb;

		$model_type = $parameters['model_type'];

		if ( 'product' === $model_type->get_type() ) {
			 * Use a WHERE sub query to filter out posts with _price not > 0
			 * This is an exemple: fine tune your query as you like
			$sql_statements['WHERE'] .= " AND A.ID in (SELECT post_id from {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_price' AND CAST(meta_value as SIGNED) > 0)  ";

			 * We could also use a JOIN
			 * $sql_statements['JOIN'] .= '...' ;

		return $sql_statements;
	, 10, 2 );