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5 years, 2 months ago #10771

– I’ve rebuilt UI elements, including suggestions, with Twig templates.

– The suggestions can now also show taxonomies, with a redirection to their taxonomy page.

– I’m now building a new suggestion template that can group suggestions, not by relevancy, but by “type” or “meta type”.

The “type” is the post type (post, page, product …), or the taxonomy name (tag, category, “title” in your case, …).

The “meta type”, on the other hand, is grouping results in only 3 groups: “Post type”, “Taxonomy”, “Term”.

The groups are not sorted with a predefined order. Instead, they are sorted based on their most relevant content. So, if for a keyword, suggestions returns terms and products, and terms contain the most relevant content, then terms group will be displayed in first position. Another keyword can therefore display products group first.

Let me know if this fits in your requirements.