WordPress search plugin

Fast. Accurate. Affordable.
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WPSOLR 23 Pro+

WordPress recommendation plugin

Track. Convert.
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WPSOLR 23 Enterprise

WordPress personalization plugin

Track. Personalize.
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Your WordPress search will collapse under stress, but it can be fixed.

As our study shows, WordPress and other plugins cannot maintain a fast search when more posts, pages or products are added. Or when a cohort of visitors suddenly arrives.

We power search with millions of visits, we can power yours too.

Some WordPress sites are too big to fail, and require a dedicated solution for their search.

This is where WPSOLR shines, as it can sustain almost any load, even during the Black Friday.

Which plugin is right for you?

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Improve search speed and relevancy

Relevant answers from search and AI search, remaining fast under heavy loads.

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Boost conversions with AI recommendations

Best sellers, cross-sell, similar content, trending, popular, similar image.

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Personalise content for each visitor

Combine personalised search with AI recommendations, to increase conversions.

Search and AI search

Search with: Apache Solr, Elasticsearch, OpenSearch, Weaviate AI, Algolia, Google Retail.


Use add-ons like WooCommerce, ACF Pro, and Polylang.


Advanced facet layouts like date picker, star rating, range slider, select2, color picker, ranges.

AI recommendations

Help your SEO by getting better conversions.

Better conversions with highly relevant AI recommendations like “Best Sellers”, “Cross-Sell”, “Similar Content”, “Trending”, “Popular”, and many more.

AI recommendations with: Algolia Recommend, Recombee, Google Retail AI Recommendations.

Personalized search and AI recommendations

AI recommendations with: Algolia Recommend, Recombee, Google Retail AI Recommendations.

AI search personalization with Algolia events and Google Retail search events.

Many models like similar items, most trendy, best seller, bought with.

Search also with vespa.ai

We stand for the reliability and flexibility of our plugins

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Battle tested

Our plugins are fast and relevant on sites with millions of products, posts and visitors.

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Largest choice

Seamless integration to dozens of search engines and recommendation engines.

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Made for WordPress​

Post types, taxonomies, custom fields, images, pdf files, and all types of WordPress data.

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Highly versatile​

Dozens of extensions, filters, actions and options to adapt to all situations.

Video of a WPSolr Weaviate demo.

The All-in-one solution for WordPress search

WPSolr offers efficient and relevant WordPress search, including Ajax (live) search functionality.

With WPSolr, all searches can incorporate keyword search, AI search, image search, personalized search, and even questions & answers (RAG).

Enjoy the largest portfolio of filters and facets widgets

Facets are used to filter and narrow down search results based on specific attributes or characteristics of items. They provide users with a structured way to refine their search queries by selecting from predefined categories or criteria.

Whether you’re shopping for products or seeking information, our widgets ensure precision and efficiency.

Like what you see ?

We provide many recommendation templates to perfectly match your design

Whether you’re aiming for a sleek and modern look or a cozy and traditional feel, our templates are designed to perfectly complement your design style.

With customizable options and flexible layouts, you can effortlessly enhance the visual appeal of your website while providing personalized recommendations that resonate with your audience.

The word-best search and recommendation engines ready to use

Features recommended just for you

Like what you see ?