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Manage Elasticsearch and Solr analyser configuration files

Some search engine Analysers come with a “file path” parameter, instead of a simple value parameter (bool, string, list, …). But how and where to upload the parameter file is often a bit of a puzzle. Especially if, like myself, one use several search engines. So, I decided to write a small “how to” for Solr and Elasticsearch. Each use case is documented with the cURL or the shell commands required to replicate the tutorial on your own environments. The tutorial environment is a Vagrant Linux Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS, with Solr 8.1.1 and Elasticsearch 7.3. The tutorial will be based on a frequently used Token filter, the synonyms filter. Let’s connect first to the search engine server with ssh (here, a vagrant machine on MacOS):

Download the latest version

I bought the WPSOLR WordPress search plugin with the PRO license. But how do I download the latest version of the plugin ?

Best practice to Import data in WordPress & Elasticsearch

Imagine a WooCommerce site with no products yet, ready to import thousands of products. WPSOLR is then activated, and a new Elasticsearch index created. A first import is executed to import tens of thousands of products. More imports will follow to add more products, but also to delete or update some products previously imported. How can we optimize the indexing performance? How can we also prevent the Elasticsearch index being desynchronized from the WooCommerce database? Deactivate the real-time indexing Below is a schematic of how to deactivate real-time indexing during imports:   Detailed explanations By default, WPSOLR is activated with a feature called “Real-time indexing”. This feature will insert/update/delete a document in the Elasticsearch index immediately after the corresponding product (or any other post type)

Crontab API generator

Reindex the data after a massive import. Schedule indexing with real linux cron tab through our JSON api