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Unable to download wpsolr wordpress plugin

Hello, Today I saw your plugin on https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpsolr-search-engine/ is not available for download. Does the trial pro version needs the free version or they are separated? I just want to test it before buying. Goncalo

Facet count is wrong when a text query is used

Hello, I’ve successfully set up WPSolr with a local Solr engine. Had some problems in the beginning, but was able to solve it with your help two weeks ago. Now we’re ready for testing and noticed a strange result when search text (?s=gerard&post_type=product) I get no results, which is expected as there is no product with “Gerard” in the title or description, but I do get a list of facets with counts on them. Clicking a facet, gives me 0 results as well. Replicating the query in the Solr webinterface (fl=*,score&fq=pricelist_ids:”1″&fq=type:(“product”)&q=text:(gerard)&rows=20) also shows no results. So what’s going on that it is showing facets for a query with 0 results? The counts on the facets are not the total of the facets (for example I

archive-product page missing images with WP All Import

Hi, We have imported new products. When i go to the shop page (archive-product) i see that all products are there. But all new products are divided on new multiple pages 4 per page and than 8 per page and than 4 per page and so on. Till i reach the page of existing products, from there it’s all ok. page 1 has 4 prods page 2 has 8 prods page 3 has 4 prods ,, ,, ,, page 15 has 32 prods (correct, 32 per page is defined) It only appears on the archive-product.php with the new NEW sorting active. We have a lot of pages pagination goes up to 453 pages. Maybe it has something to do with resources. I have disabled all

keywords and products

Hi How can i get something like this? https://prnt.sc/pq8o6j I like to have keywords, products and catgories together. Or something in that way. Keywords is a must.

Conversion from existing SOLR installation

Greetings. I have an existing installation on a website using ColdFusion/MS Windows server and SOLR. How can do a conversion and retain the setups and indexing I currently have?

WPSOLR is certified "WPML-Ready"

WPSOLR works hand-to-hand with WPML for quite a long time. But now, WPSOLR is certified by the WPML team as “WPML-Ready”. See more details on WPSOLR is certified “WPML-Ready”

Large Databases

Hello. I am just finding your plugin. I am brand new to this stuff so please go easy on me. I am creating a website that is going to have multiple millions of blog posts and I need them searchable by tags, such as mutiple checkboxs to narrow results… so each time a checkbox is checked, example “blue” it filters everything out the other blogs instantly, then if a checkbox is checked “big” it filters blogs again. As well we want to incorporate woocommerce and buddypress. Can your plugin handle extremely large databases? If so, I do not really understand the differences between Apache Solr, Elasticsearch and Algolia. Also, I know the pricing for Algolia : $12,480/year is accurate… so your algolia is not connected

Product category meta title and description doesn't get updated

My product category meta title and description doesn’t get updated. I use The SEO Framework plugin for meta title and description. As soon as I disable WPSOLR, the category meta title and description works as expected. I tried reindexing everything but nothing changed. And I can’t find any option to help me in this matter. Can you please help me find the problem and solve it?

Issue on WP Rest for Custom Post Types

Hi, Custom Post types cannot be saved after plugin activation. I get this error: {“code”:”rest_no_route”,”message”:”No route was found matching the URL and request method”,”data”:{“status”:404}} Request URL: https://localhost:8080/wp-json/wp/v2/event/358?_locale=user Request Method: POST Status Code: 404 Not Found Remote Address: [::1]:8080 Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin If I deactivate the plugin, everthings is fine. Can you please check it what am I doing wrong?