Swiftype aka Elastic Search site was acquired a few years ago by Elastic.co, the founders of Elasticsearch.
Behind the scene, Elasticsearch is powering your search.
But scaling is automatic, and settings much easier to apprehend.
Remove all limitations by using the mighty powers of Elasticsearch with Swiftype. Enjoy infinite scalability and lightning speed in no-time.
Tune your search from your Swiftype account. For example, add synonyms or a specific language.
Or simply enjoy the Swiftype search analytics to know what your visitors are looking for.
No need to be a technical wizard. You are just a few clicks away from a complete new search experience.
Copy your Swiftype API key. That’s it.
Create and delete engines with one click.
Automatically install the engine configuration, facets, searched fields and settings.
By default, the English analyser is configured.
Connect to your Swiftype admin dashboard to control your search.
Set your own languages, synonyms, stop words, typos.
Choose post types, taxonomies, and custom fields to search.
Manage custom field types, and conversion errors.
Choose among several engines.
Useful for multi-languages, or testing.
Click on one button to index, re-index, or delete your data.
Choose Incremental or full reindexing.
Index in real-time, or not.
Index by batches, and select the batch size.
Show debugging informations for troubleshooting.
Choose post types and taxonomies to index, re-index, or delete.