Small business WooCommerce shops finally have access to its world class search.
Here is the first preview of WooCommerce demo with search !
– Perfect for Vespa’s newbies, no requirement to know anything about Vespa.
Vespa’s deployments are fully managed from WPSOLR’ dashboard, thanks to Vespa’s REST APis. No need of using the Vespa’s CLI anymore, but experts can continue to tune everything to their liking.
– Changing settings (adding product attributes to index, changing ranking …) triggers a chain of events: create a Vespa session, download the index’s schema sd and services.xml, update both files (adding or removing an index in services.xml for instance), and upload both with the replace and deploy API.
– This demo show facets, filters, and suggestions, with keyword search. Sorting is not operational, yet.
– is installed on a Google Cloud Kubernetes cluster.
– More demos with‘s vector/hybrid/reranked search will follow soon…
WPSOLR + (soon):